Genre: Cooking / travel show with focus on Spanish cuisine.
Boxset info: 2 Disc.
The DVD starts brightly enough, Jose Andres is clearly passionate about his cooking and that enthusiasm comes through well. The show flits between various regions of Spain and Jose's house in Washington DC. In Spain we get to see where various ingredients come from and also get to see some of the local chefs cook a few of the dishes. Back at Jose's kitchen in Washington DC he shows us how to cook various Tapas dishes usually focussing on the style of region we just visited.
The creators of this show have tried to cram in a lot of Spain in a very short time and therein lies the fault of this boxset. I felt like each region of Spain was just glossed over. The show would have been a lot more fun if more time was dedicated to each region and we got better details about the ingredients, their defining characteristics and how they are used. So while the show is not bad, I feel the potential of this show is wasted and it ends up being average.
Rating: 2.5 / 5, Average. Worth picking if the style of cooking really interests you.
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