The year x books put familiar characters in unfamiliar situations and hope that a good story will result from that. So in this book we have a society where everything is tightly controlled. Every human has been recorded and can be tracked easily by people in power.
Into this world leaps Batman, suddenly the authorities have someone they have no records of and are unable to trace and track. The book creates a bunch of mysteries, unfortunately they are not resolved in satisfactory manner. The main plotline of the book is serviceable, but without some strong and inventive writing it is incapable of raising this book above average.
The art is interesting. Whether you like it or not will be a tossup. I thought it was pretty good and enjoyed the style.
All in all though the book is below average. If you like all things Batman you would enjoy this more than other folks, for the rest there are better choices around
Rating: 2 / 5, Below average, only rabid fans need bother.