Genre: Short stories/Novella/Novelettes in a Fantasy setting.
Fabulous harbours is a sequel to Blood, the introduction however states that Fabulous harbours does not continue any story lines or such and hence reading Blood is not required. I have not read Blood and I concur it is not required to read Fabulous harbour.
The book starts at a languid pace and continues throughout the book. This is mainly because the book is narrated as a recounting of events that have occured in the past. The book is a collection of short stories/novella/novelettes. These are set across various timeline and dimensions, and Moorcock writes these in different literary styles to suite the story's setting. The styles are varied but blend together well and do not jar.
I found myself warming to the stories and Moorcock's style as the book progressed. A large part of this was realising that there is no one tale (epic or not) to be had from this book, rather I just enjoyed each story and the varied style and pace.
Rating: 4/5, Great as long as you are open to short stories.